Wednesday 30 July 2014

10 tips on saving money

At the beginning of this year I would probably have won the award for the worst money saver ever.. no jokes! But this year I have really got my act together and I am almost at my goal amount of money, and here's how..............

1.       SET YOURSELF GOALS – Don’t just aimlessly try and save money, because a) you will never feel like you have accomplished anything, and b) You won’t get anywhere. No matter what you’re saving up for set yourself an amount of money that you want saved by a specific date and WRITE IT DOWN!! It’s so so important that your write your goal down on a piece of paper rather than just keeping it in your head as the goal will be more set in stone and you will be more likely to stick to it. Put the piece of paper somewhere where you will see it every day. This way you will be 100x more motivated to make sure you achieve the goal you have set and you are not just saving aimlessly.

2.       ALWAYS PAY WITH CASH – Believe it or not when you pay with cash you are less likely to spend as much money as you would if you were paying with card. This is because when you are paying with card the money is not physically there an therefore doesn’t really feel real and you don’t really focus on how much money you are spending. Not to mention how easy it is just swipe and you’re done! On the other hand with cash you can actually see how much money you are handing over.

3.       MAKE A LOOSE CHANGE JAR – Im pretty sure everyone has change that they got after buying something that they don’t know where it ever ended up cause you just chucked it down. Trust me I know everyone is guilty of having loose change just floating around BUT that will be no more! Find an old jar or go and find a really cheap jar, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy! (tbh mines an old olives jar) but make it pretty if you want to and you think it will motivate you to save up more money, and then simply just put every single piece of loose change in there (yes even those pesky 5 cent pieces! They all add up!!)

4.       START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT – Most banks give you the option of setting up a separate account from the one you already have and access all the time, this is called a “savings account”. Just go into your local bank or even online for some banks and ask to set one up. The thing about this which makes it so good for saving is that after you put the money in there it is very hard to access it yourself unless you go into the bank.

5.       GET AS MUCH WORK AS YOU CAN – Now I know from personal experience how extremely hard and annoying it is to try and find work that will give you a decent amount of shifts or just work at all! But keep persisting and trust me eventually you will find work, it may not be the best work but you just have to take what you can get really!! Keep handing in your resumes to places over and over to make sure they remember you. I know this may seem like a bit of an obvious tip, but you really do just have to take what you can get and just keep persisting – don’t give up!

6.       HAVE A SECHEDULE FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT – make up a calendar and write on it when you are going to transfer money to your savings account from your normal account. I personally have found that this works very well. Set a reasonable of money to transfer on a particular day. For example I transfer $100 every Tuesday and Friday and I find this is a very effective way to save money rather than just transferring money whenever you have it or whenever you get paid.

7.       THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX – There are plenty of ways out there to earn money other than having a job, you just need to know what they are! Try online surveys, I know ‘opinion outpost’ is very good a legitimate. If you stick to and and dedicate the appropriate time to it I’d say you could earn about $50 a week. Or you could hand out flyers around your area offering to babysit or pet sit, there are always people needing that! Another option is doing chores around the house, I know not everyone’s parents are willing to pay them to do chores – mine aren’t! but if you’re lucky enough to be able to be paid for that I would not turn that down!

8.       LEAVE SPENDING MONEY – I know what you’re thinking… no way I need to save every cent I get! Well yes you do need to save the majority of it but if you leave yourself absolutely no spending money at all it will be verryyy easy for you to get annoyed at the whole saving process and you will be more likely to give up.

9.       BUDGET – having said my last point about having spending money though it is vital that you budget budget budget!!! Stop buying the expensive brands cause trust me there are brands which may not be as fancy but they do the job and they are 10 times less expensive! Whenever you go to buy something, don’t buy it straight away!! Think on it for a few days or at least a week I find is the best way to decide if you really need the thing you’re thinking of buying! You’ll be surprised at the amount of things you just buy on impulse without even thinking about!

10.   TELL YOUR FRIENDS – Let your friends know that you are trying to save money, not only will this make you feel more motivated to save the money because you have told people that you are going to do it but you can now also ask them if instead of doing social activities that cost a lot of money such as going out clubbing or going to the movies you can sugget staying at home and having a party at your house, or even just having a movie chill night at home. It will be just as fun and save tons of money. However I know that your friends are not always going to give up going clubbing or other activities for you, which is ok, it just means that you may have a sacrifice going a few times… it just depends how bad you want the money! Hahaha 

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