Friday 11 July 2014

My Gap Year Bucket List!

So after about the 83498274th day in a row of getting up and spending my entire days on the couch watching TV and stuffing my face with all kinds of fatty foods, I started to feel as though my life was just wasting away and actually had a literal existential crisis, I decided I could not stand this any longer and it was time to do something with my life.
As I mentioned in my first blog post I am doing a gap year this year, meaning….. no school, no work, no responsibilities….. Sounds absolutely perfect doesn’t it!! Well to be honest I was living the dream and I was for sure milking it for all it was worth in the first few months, BUT THEN I had a realization that this was the first and probably only time I will ever have a whole year to myself to do whatever I want and be absolutely free. Of course I then freaked out cause I had already wasted more than 3-4 months watching tv and eating during the days and partying at night.
I also realized that if I wanted to do anything with my life this year I woud need to get a decent job ASAP!!!! So i went and found myself 2 or 3 jobs (definitely not as easy as I made it sound!!!!!!!!!)
Now I had some decent jobs and I was saving up money but I found myself in a rut again and it was just a constant routine of get up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep and repeat! I hated it and the whole idea of it…. The time was getting away from me faster than it was before when I was doing nothing with my life.
I was scrolling through tumblr one day and saw something similar to this and I was so inspired and that same day I went and made my own “GAP YEAR BUCKET LIST

I thought this was an insanely cute idea and I thought it would be really inspiring to me and give me something to work towards in my year of freedom.
If you are doing a Gap year this year or something similar or even if you aren’t, I highly recommend making a “bucket list” of all the things that you have always wanted to do or even things that you never thought you would ever do! Push yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then trust me you won’t regret it! In situations like this I always think of one of my favourite sayings “You’ll only regret the opportunities you didn’t take”….. or something along those lines!

Just do it, write it down and commit! Put it somewhere that you are going to see it every day and set yourself a time limit and just do it. I promise you, you’ll feel 110% better even after just writing down that you are going to do it!

Love always Jaz xxx

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