Saturday 16 May 2015

Septum piercing 101.

How much did it hurt
I myself probably have the lowest pain tolerance of anyone you've ever met, i mean i threw up after getting my lobes pierced, so if i can get this piercing anyone can. However i would probably say the pain is a 6/10 only hurting about the same as the lobe piercing for me. I don't really know how to describe the pain apart from saying it is very different to the other piercings i have on my ears. It wasn't exactly an aching pain but i wouldn't say it was a stinging pain either, you can kind of just feel the needle to whole entire time and they have to go slower rather than just pushing it through like ear piercing to make sure they get it exactly right. The most painful part of the actual piercing was definitely when they were pulling the needle out and threading the jewelry through, weirdly enough, even though my piercer assured me after the needle was in there would be no more pain :((( The most painful part however is the 2 or so days afterwards.

How did they do it
They pierce whats called the sweet spot inside your nose which you  should be able to feel, its the softer skin part in between the cartilage, so they just place a clamp in your nose over that spot, which a ton of people said was the most painful part but honestly i didnt even feel that at all. Thy then slowly slide the needle through and then pull the earing through.

Healing process
The first 2 days are the worst, where the slightest touch to your noise will hurt like a motherfucker. The feeling i would say is similar to having a bruised nose after being punched in the nose (Don't ask how i know what the feels like, that's a whole other story...) After that its only sensitive for about a week whenever you try to move it or anything. I would say its stops hurting after that week. My piercer told me i could change it after 2 weeks, however i have heard a lot that the healing process should be 6 weeks so to be safe i waited 6 weeks to change mine.

I got given some rock salt solution to just mix with warm water and put on my piercing everyday but tbh i only used that for probably not even a week and mine healed absolutely fine.

Changing the jewelry
I got mine pierced with a horseshoe ring, which is what piercers always use to pierce the septum with. However mine was black and to small for my nose as i don't have nostrils that are higher up on the sides, As you can see in these pictures...

so the ring was barely visible, so i changed mine myself to a bigger silver ring 6 weeks later.
I had hardly any problem changing it getting it in and out of the hole was fine, the worst part was probably getting the balls on and off cause they are so damn small.
Anyways this is me post the balls dilemma... mind the awkward selfie posing lel

Why did you get it pierced
I get this question so so sooo much, it's ridiculous and the simple answer is that i got it because i wanted too. Because i really like the way it looks and also i really crave change and to stand out, and i know i know the septum piercing has come in style now which is annoying af but whatever, i'm just gonna keep telling myself i started the trend ;) And plus i reckon it makes me look pretty badass hahahaha

Is it easy to hide
It's super dooper easy to hide, probably the easiest to hide, which i'm pretty sure most people know as you can just flip it right up into your nose and bam its gone.

Dealing with the hate 
I got quite a bit of hate when i first got it because it wasn't so in fashion and people just weren't used to it on me. But now i hardly experience any hate about it, apart from the occasional cow joke but what are you gonna do. You just gotta tell yourself you look fab af and people cant mess with you now cause the septum makes you look tough as hella

Friday 15 May 2015

Confessions of a snapchat addict

1. You always have to take a selfie before you go anywhere
People need to see how good you can look, and for some reason snapchat photos just look better than regular photos.

2. You feel the need to snapchat small mundane daily events to people so they know what you're doing
Because I mean whats the point of doing stuff if people don't know you're doing it??

3. Making the longest snapchat story whenever theres a party
We've all been there, waking up hungover af and finding your 300 second long snapchat story of the most disgusting selfies you've ever taken and somehow every one else has already seen it.

4. But being annoyed when other peoples snapchat stories are over 100 seconds long
Like who the heck do you think you are, do you really think you're that important that people want to see 100 seconds of you everyday lol.

5. The first thing you do in the morning is check snapchat
And also the last thing you do before bed.

6. The first thing you ask someone when you stat talking to them is if they have snapchat
Gotta get those snap friends up, just more people to see what an amazing life you life ;)

7. You have legitimate conversations over snapchat
You would actually 100% rather snapchat a whole conversation than text it.

8. You've been caught more than once taking selfies in public
The judgmental looks of people who catch you taking a public selfie could kill, but you don't even care.

9. You're snapchat stories always need to be on point
Lets be real the satisfaction of a great snapchat story is like no other.

10. You snapchat literally everywhere
EVERYWHERE. There is no limit, on the toilet, in the shower, everywhere.

11. You actually got extremely emotional when snapchat removed the best friends feature
The fact that you can never again stalk your crushes best friends was a very emotional time for you, and plus who didn't love a bit of snapchat bestfriend rivalry.

12. You pretty much never reply to texts as fast as you reply to snaps 
For some reason snapchats are just so much less hassle to reply to.

Things only coffee addicts will understand

1. Not being able to do anything until coffee has been consumed
Whether you feel anything after having a coffee or not we all know that feeling of getting out of bed looking and feeling like absolute shit and not wanting to have any contact with the world at all until you feel like warm bitter sweet liquid run down your dry morning throat.

2. Literally only getting out of bed for coffee
Lying in bed in the morning contemplating the meaning of life and whether it is even worth getting out of bed today when all of a sudden you remember something glorious, COFFEE!

3. Even though coffee in the morning literally does not help to wake you up
Lets be real, if you drink as much coffee as me, it will probably do shit all to wake you up in the mornings but you drink it anyway because god forbid you go about your day without starting it off without a coffee.

4. Falling asleep only because you know in the morning there is coffee to be had
Falling asleep because you know it means coffee will come faster, just like you did when you were little on Christmas, falling asleep because it meant Christmas day and presents would come faster.

5. Constantly feeling like you're annoying people when you ask to go get a coffee every few hours
You know you've hit rock bottom when you can see the frustration and pain in your friends faces every time you ask to go get a coffee with them, even though you've held back from asking like 5 times in the last hour... i mean like 1 an hour ain't bad right??!!?!?

6. Yet always complaining to people that you want coffee
When you're not asking someone to go get coffee with you your're complaining to them about how much you want coffee.

7. Not even feeling any effects of the coffee because you're pretty sure you've become immune to it
Remember the days when you were young and naive to drinking coffee and it would make you bounce of the walls... ahhh miss those days, now you'll be lucky to get it to bounce you off the couch.

8. Instantly becoming best friends with someone when you realize they love coffee as much as you
Because you'll never get annoyed at each other and all arguments can be resolved over coffee.

9. Being super sad after about 7pm because its not socially acceptable to have a coffee anymore
We all know the struggle even though you know you could probably pull a 24 hour sleep fest after 5 cups of coffee, you just don't feel right about it because someone might find out and you just don't want to have to deal with their judgmental questions.

10. One cup is never enough
Who are these creatures that have one cup of coffee for the day and feel satisfied with themselves? I don't know if i hate them or if i'm jealous of them.

11. You wont spend $5 on a sandwich or something healthy but you would gladly spend $5 on a cup of coffee
Coffee is always worth it.

12. You cant do anything unless you have a cup of coffee
Weather its an essay, or just some mundane activity you cannot accomplish said activity unless you have a cup of coffee on the go, i don't even know why.

13. Being so angry for at least an hour after a bad cup of coffee
We all know that feeling of complete and utter betrayal of a bad cup of coffee, whether is burns off your taste buds for the rest of the day, is too cold or too sour it will make you hate the world and nothing will make you happy again... except maybe a good cup of coffee.

14. ALWAYS self conscious about coffee breath
Constantly trying to hold in you're breath while talking to someone in case you have a dreaded case of the coffee breath, which lets be real smells like a grubby old homeless man who hasn't brushed his teeth in years.

15. Turning to coffee when you are sad
It's like a comfort food that will always make you feel safe and at home no matter what the situation.

Thursday 14 May 2015

4 struggles of moving out of home

As you may or may not know about 2 and a half months ago, i moved out of my home in a small city town, to Melbourne about 2 and a half hours from my hometown.
For some people this may have been the scariest thing ever and yeah i was kind of scary, im not gonna lie the morning before we left i was so close to literally shitting myself and i was kind of emotional leaving behind my family. But as odd as it may sound i felt completely ready to move out of home and be an independent person and experience life in a whole different way. I felt like i had over stayed my welcome at home and it was just irritating to still be living under my parents rules to be honest.
So the moment i stepped into my new room at the university residences i felt at home and i felt so happy, happier than i'd been in a long long time.
Having said that of course moving out of home and taking complete care of myself with help from no one was going to come with some major struggles.

Money money money, what can i say, budget budget budget!!!! i cannot stress this enough guys. No matter what you're doing the issue of money will be in the back of your mind for the rest of your life. But the best advice i can give is just don't stress yourself out too much, everything will work out in the end but don't not stress at all!

Eating Healthy
As i sit here writing this i am currently eating left over pizza from last nights dinner and left over chips from when i went out for lunch so lets be real eating healthy is not always going to happen... ESPECIALLY not in the first few weeks with the combination of being able to buy whatever you want for the first time, not having run out of money yet and o-week either being drunk and wanting unhealthy food or being hungover wanting unhealthy food.

 Let me just tell you my dishes are stacked up to the height of mount Everest right now, yeah look the whole dishes thing and me dont get along too well. when it gets to the point that you literally have no clean dishes left and it starts to smell real bad thens when i know i need to do dishes, but if you're anything like me having dirty dishes just stresses me out and makes me feel like not only my room but my life is a mess... unfortunately procrastination and laziness gets the better of me in this case but trust me just do it and it will save a lot of stress.

When boredom strikes
Living 'alone' for the first time ever, obviously means you wont have family to chill with and to go to when you just want to chat or hang out, or to complain to about how bored you are. I myself live with 3 other roommates, but me and my roommates have this really strange situation where we literally never hang out together.. so that sort of sucks but i mean its whatever haha. Look all i can say is netflix will be your best friend!!! but definitely make sure to join some social activities, i mean there's plenty out there if you look hard enough and also don't stay in your room all the time, go for a walk, a run, a drive anything that gets you out and about. Another thing to do is something creative, start making jewelry, drawing, even make a blog! Trust me theres always something to do and if not hey you can always just scroll through facebook and tumblr ;)

Thursday 7 May 2015

♫ April / May music favs ♫

Obviously this list is a bit of a mixed genre list, but i just thought i would chuck all my fav tunes on this list so that everyone can get around them and we can all jam out together ✌
If you like indie, hip-hop, RnB with a bit of popular music chucked in their than i'm sure you'll love this playlist!

  • RL Grime - Tell me 
  • RL Grime - Scylla 
  • T-Wayne - Nasty Freestyle 
  • SAFIA - Counting Sheep 
  • Allday - Claude Monet
  • Allday - Right now 
  • Allday - Cult
  • Wiz Kahlifa - See you again
  • Flight Facilities - Crave you
  • Skizzy Mars - 15 
  • Tkay Maizda - M.O.B
  • Tkay Maizda - U-huh
  • The Chainsmokers - Kanye
  • Kanye west - All day 
  • You me at six - Lived a lie 
  • Walk the moon - Shut up and dance
  • The Weeknd - Often 
  • Drake - Legend 
  • Drake - Energy 
  • A$AP Ferg - Shabba 
  • Twenty one pilots - Semi-automatic 
  • Kygo - Stole the show 
  • Ne-yo & Juicy J - She knows
  • Kid ink - Hotel 
  • Beyonce - 7/11
  • Matoma - Old thing back 
  • One day - S.D.R.O
  • One day - Love me less   
  • British India - Wrong direction           


Saturday 25 April 2015


Guess who's back, back again
Nope, wrong, not shady... me! (worst joke of the century orr?) 

So i was seriously considering deleting my other posts and starting this blog from scratch again but i decided to keep them for the lol's plus i mean i still think they are pretty relevant to what i want this blog to be... sort of.

Anyways this is just a quick post to lets ya'll know im back! wooooo get super keen friends!

Big things to come!
