Thursday 14 May 2015

4 struggles of moving out of home

As you may or may not know about 2 and a half months ago, i moved out of my home in a small city town, to Melbourne about 2 and a half hours from my hometown.
For some people this may have been the scariest thing ever and yeah i was kind of scary, im not gonna lie the morning before we left i was so close to literally shitting myself and i was kind of emotional leaving behind my family. But as odd as it may sound i felt completely ready to move out of home and be an independent person and experience life in a whole different way. I felt like i had over stayed my welcome at home and it was just irritating to still be living under my parents rules to be honest.
So the moment i stepped into my new room at the university residences i felt at home and i felt so happy, happier than i'd been in a long long time.
Having said that of course moving out of home and taking complete care of myself with help from no one was going to come with some major struggles.

Money money money, what can i say, budget budget budget!!!! i cannot stress this enough guys. No matter what you're doing the issue of money will be in the back of your mind for the rest of your life. But the best advice i can give is just don't stress yourself out too much, everything will work out in the end but don't not stress at all!

Eating Healthy
As i sit here writing this i am currently eating left over pizza from last nights dinner and left over chips from when i went out for lunch so lets be real eating healthy is not always going to happen... ESPECIALLY not in the first few weeks with the combination of being able to buy whatever you want for the first time, not having run out of money yet and o-week either being drunk and wanting unhealthy food or being hungover wanting unhealthy food.

 Let me just tell you my dishes are stacked up to the height of mount Everest right now, yeah look the whole dishes thing and me dont get along too well. when it gets to the point that you literally have no clean dishes left and it starts to smell real bad thens when i know i need to do dishes, but if you're anything like me having dirty dishes just stresses me out and makes me feel like not only my room but my life is a mess... unfortunately procrastination and laziness gets the better of me in this case but trust me just do it and it will save a lot of stress.

When boredom strikes
Living 'alone' for the first time ever, obviously means you wont have family to chill with and to go to when you just want to chat or hang out, or to complain to about how bored you are. I myself live with 3 other roommates, but me and my roommates have this really strange situation where we literally never hang out together.. so that sort of sucks but i mean its whatever haha. Look all i can say is netflix will be your best friend!!! but definitely make sure to join some social activities, i mean there's plenty out there if you look hard enough and also don't stay in your room all the time, go for a walk, a run, a drive anything that gets you out and about. Another thing to do is something creative, start making jewelry, drawing, even make a blog! Trust me theres always something to do and if not hey you can always just scroll through facebook and tumblr ;)

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