Friday 15 May 2015

Things only coffee addicts will understand

1. Not being able to do anything until coffee has been consumed
Whether you feel anything after having a coffee or not we all know that feeling of getting out of bed looking and feeling like absolute shit and not wanting to have any contact with the world at all until you feel like warm bitter sweet liquid run down your dry morning throat.

2. Literally only getting out of bed for coffee
Lying in bed in the morning contemplating the meaning of life and whether it is even worth getting out of bed today when all of a sudden you remember something glorious, COFFEE!

3. Even though coffee in the morning literally does not help to wake you up
Lets be real, if you drink as much coffee as me, it will probably do shit all to wake you up in the mornings but you drink it anyway because god forbid you go about your day without starting it off without a coffee.

4. Falling asleep only because you know in the morning there is coffee to be had
Falling asleep because you know it means coffee will come faster, just like you did when you were little on Christmas, falling asleep because it meant Christmas day and presents would come faster.

5. Constantly feeling like you're annoying people when you ask to go get a coffee every few hours
You know you've hit rock bottom when you can see the frustration and pain in your friends faces every time you ask to go get a coffee with them, even though you've held back from asking like 5 times in the last hour... i mean like 1 an hour ain't bad right??!!?!?

6. Yet always complaining to people that you want coffee
When you're not asking someone to go get coffee with you your're complaining to them about how much you want coffee.

7. Not even feeling any effects of the coffee because you're pretty sure you've become immune to it
Remember the days when you were young and naive to drinking coffee and it would make you bounce of the walls... ahhh miss those days, now you'll be lucky to get it to bounce you off the couch.

8. Instantly becoming best friends with someone when you realize they love coffee as much as you
Because you'll never get annoyed at each other and all arguments can be resolved over coffee.

9. Being super sad after about 7pm because its not socially acceptable to have a coffee anymore
We all know the struggle even though you know you could probably pull a 24 hour sleep fest after 5 cups of coffee, you just don't feel right about it because someone might find out and you just don't want to have to deal with their judgmental questions.

10. One cup is never enough
Who are these creatures that have one cup of coffee for the day and feel satisfied with themselves? I don't know if i hate them or if i'm jealous of them.

11. You wont spend $5 on a sandwich or something healthy but you would gladly spend $5 on a cup of coffee
Coffee is always worth it.

12. You cant do anything unless you have a cup of coffee
Weather its an essay, or just some mundane activity you cannot accomplish said activity unless you have a cup of coffee on the go, i don't even know why.

13. Being so angry for at least an hour after a bad cup of coffee
We all know that feeling of complete and utter betrayal of a bad cup of coffee, whether is burns off your taste buds for the rest of the day, is too cold or too sour it will make you hate the world and nothing will make you happy again... except maybe a good cup of coffee.

14. ALWAYS self conscious about coffee breath
Constantly trying to hold in you're breath while talking to someone in case you have a dreaded case of the coffee breath, which lets be real smells like a grubby old homeless man who hasn't brushed his teeth in years.

15. Turning to coffee when you are sad
It's like a comfort food that will always make you feel safe and at home no matter what the situation.

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